Differential Diagnoses | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Differential Diagnoses and other Useful Lists and Tables for Ophthalmologists

 Differential Diagnosis

 Differential Diagnoses and other Useful Lists and Tables for Ophthalmologists

Above is the link to take you to the presentation.  This PDF can be viewed on this site or it  can be downloaded to your computer or device to be used in both clinical and academic environments to aid in the diagnosis of patients with a variety of ocular symptoms or findings.  An index of various ocular symptoms or clinical signs is given on the first few slides.  The presentation can be scrolled through to view each individual list. Each individual title in the index is also a link, and can be “clicked” to go to the appropriate page within the document. 

The differential diagnoses and lists contained here are not meant to be exhaustive, but are to give in most cases the most common causes of many ocular / visual symptoms, signs and situations.  Included also in these lists are also some less common, but serious conditions that must be “ruled-out”.

Disclaimer: The diagnostic algorithm for the diagnosis and management of Ocular or Neurological Conditions contained in this presentation is not intended to replace the independent medical or professional judgment of the physician or other health care providers in the context of individual clinical circumstances to determine a patient’s care.