Creating Accessible Shortened Links | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.

Shortened and Accessible Links

In this video tutorial, various processes for creating accessible links are demonstrated. Formatting your links according to ADA accessibility standards makes your documents, whether Word or PDFs, navigable and accessible to individuals who are using a screen reader device or other assistive read-aloud programs. Also covered with this tutorial is a basic introduction to the site,, which generates shortened links for creators and provides other features, as well, including storage and hits tracking for links previously generated with the tinyURL application (you will need to signup for a free account).

Also available with this file is text and image-based document that outlines the instructions for creating accessible links.

As always, if you need immediate assistance with a technical matter, or if you would like to schedule either a one-on-one or a group training session, please contact TTUHSC's Student Disability Office at