Microsoft tutorials | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.

Video Tutorial on Adding Alt-Text to MS Images

This video file presents a tutorial on adding alternative text to images embedded within a Word document. Located in the player attachment tab is a PDF document that offers the same instructions and includes screenshots as well. The instructions are available as a PDF file as well with images.

Video Tutorial on adding Paragraph Styles in Word and Autogenerating a Table of Contents

In this video, adding Paragraph Styles in a Word document is demonstrated as is the process of generating and inserting a preformatted hyperlinked Table of Contents. Paragraph stylizations allow for screen readers to read your document sequentially and also for users to generate their own outlines, which they can then use to locate areas of content more quickly. The Table of Contents will also be hyperlinked to header anchors, which also contributes to an improved user experience with respect to navigability. The instructions are also available as a text-based PDF file with images for download.