Next Gen 911 | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.

Next Generation 911

The Next Gen 911 Project is a partnership between the Texas Commission for State Emergency Communications (CSEC)
and the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) in Conjunction with EMS Providers that serve Texans.

EMT in ambulanceEmergency Medical Services are essential to every community in Texas. EMS is the true “first responders” that answer the call of those in need and often provide life support, life saving care and peace of mind. EMS Providers are highly skilled in patient assessment and triage,stabilization and life support, in beginning testing and treatment and in transporting their patient promptly and safely to the closest available and most appropriate trauma
center for the acuity of the case. Telemedicine and other digital technologies bring the newest of tools to the scene and transmit critical information ahead so that essential services can be provided that save time and save lives.

CSEC is a well-known partner with all first responders and run the 911 emergency network that connects all communities when they need it most. TTUHSC has proven that telemedicine and other digital technologies can work in remote areas such as rural west Texas. Moreover, they have found ways to enhance performance in the field without getting in the way of the primary mission. Now, we want to connect with all EMS Providers to innovate together for the best outcomes for our patients.

Most EMS providers have incorporated telemedicine and visual technologies into their trucks and crews are trained to use them. Yet, the technology is evolving rapidly and can range from a camera to glasses that allow the receiving team to see what the Paramedic in the field is seeing. With the newest APPS on smart phones and other platforms there are ways to better connect data to EMRs including visual information. This makes it difficult for EMS Providers to stay abreast of the latest affordable and practical combinations of technologies and to stay current with training and certification requirements.

The Next Gen 911 Project is a trusted advisor for the EMS Providers on matters of acquisition, selection, implantation, training, and meaningful use of telemedicine and other digital resource. Below is a list of services provided by the Next Gen 911 Project team:

  • Identifying Requirements: Determine the specific needs and objectives of the software, such as features, scalability, and integrations.
  • Researching Options: Explore available software solutions, vendors, and platforms that align with the identified requirements.
  • Evaluating Functionality: Assess the functionality of each software option to ensure it meets the specified criteria and addresses key business challenges.
  • Considering Budget: Evaluate the total cost of ownership, including initial purchase, implementation, and ongoing maintenance costs.
  • Testing and Validation: Conduct thorough testing and validation of the software through trials, demos, and by seeking feedback from potential end-users.
  • Vendor Selection: Select a reputable vendor or provider based on factors such as reliability, support, and long-term viability.
  • Negotiating Terms: Engage in negotiations with the vendor to secure favorable contract terms, pricing, and service-level agreements.
  • Finalizing Implementation: Develop a detailed implementation plan and timeline to ensure a smooth transition and integration of the selected software.
  • Training and Support: Provide training for users and establish ongoing support mechanisms to maximize the effectiveness of the software.
  • Monitoring and Improvement: Continuously monitor the software's performance and seek opportunities for improvement and optimization

Change is difficult. Budgets are tight. Crews are overworked. Technology isn't ideal and sometimes doesn't work. And lives hang in the balance. Yet from the EMS encounter to the management of disasters on a wider scale, versatility, uniformity, and reliability are essential. Instant communication is the standard that pulls it all together. Next Gen 911 seeks to work with EMS Providers as a trust advisor on telemedicine and digital equipment. We are vendor agnostic but have a breadth of understanding of the newest resources available to EMS Providers. We hope we can be helpful to you.


Dr. Billy U. Philips, Jr.
Billy Philips, PhD, MPH serves as Executive Vice President for the Division of Rural Affairs and the director for the F. Marie Hall Institute for Rural and Community Health.

His research has focused on understanding and eliminating health disparities in rural areas of west Texas. As holder of the F. Marie Hall Chair in Rural Health he has worked both in population health sciences and in public health. He has led many pioneering programs that have brought innovation through technology and comprehensive community-based solutions to advance the health of West Texas and beyond. Some of these include the Telemedicine Wellness Intervention Triage and Referral (TWITR) Project, a demonstration of concept using telemental health counseling to address mental health needs of students in rural schools; the Next Generation 911 Emergency Services Pilot Project, to improve trauma care; and established the Frontiers in Telemedicine Training Lab, the only one of its kind in the nation. Dr Philips founded the Rural Health Quarterly and continues as the publisher working with a team of editor and writers whose scholarly work is indexed on the Rural Health Web. Dr Philips has also served previously as Acting Dean the Julia Jones Matthews School of Population and Public Health at the TTUHSC Campus in Abilene.

Michael Mangel
Michael Mangel

A Navy veteran and former Corpsman with a passion for service and healing, now leveraging expertise gained in communication studies to excel in various professional endeavors. Married and devoted parent to a wonderful child, navigating the rewarding journey of family life with dedication and love, while actively contributing to the innovative Nex Gen 911 project, revolutionizing emergency response systems for future generations.

Rance Standridge
Rance Standridge

A seasoned professional with a distinguished background in the USAF's Aerospace Ground Equipment division, followed by over 25 years of dedicated service in Information Technology. Currently, Rance applies his wealth of experience and expertise to the Nex Gen 911 project. With a proven track record of success and a passion for innovation, Rance stands as a cornerstone in the intersection of military precision and cutting-edge technology.

Contact Info

(806) 743 - 1338

3601 4th Street MS 7110 Lubbock, TX 79430