News and Updates | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center


Congratulations to Dr. Volker Neugebauer on being one of twelve TTUHSC faculty in the top 2% of the World's Scientists Rankings. The list was released, in the fall, by Stanford University/Elsevier's sixth edition. To read the article, click here

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Michael Blanton has been chosen to receive the "Unsung Hero" award for his immense contributions to our students, faculty, and staff. Congratulations, Dr. Blanton!

 It is with great pleasure to congratulate Dr. Volker Neugebauer on being this year's Douglas M. Stocco Scholarship/Research Award Recipient. Congratulations Dr. Neugebauer!

Congratulations to Dr. Igor Ponomarev on being awarded tenure by the Board of Regents! We greatly appreciate his hard work and commitment to the department and institution. 

Congratulations to Ph.D. Students Brent Kisby (Mentor, Dr. Ponomarev) and Praneetha Panthagani (Mentor, Dr. Susan Bergeson), on being chosen for a travel award to the Behavior, Biology and Chemistry meeting in San Antonio, Texas. 

Congratulations to Brent Kisby, Ph.D. Student in the Translational Neuroscience and Pharmacology Graduate Concentration, the recipient of Reid L. Norman & Cynthia Jumper Excellence in TNP Scholarship.

CTNT's 8th Annual Symposium | April 17th

The Center of Excellence for Translational Neuroscience and Therapeutics (CTNT) and Garrison Institute on Aging (GIA) held their 8th Annual Symposium on Brain Health on Wednesday, April 17th. This event featured Distinguished Keynote Speaker: Shreaya Chakroborty, Ph.D., Program Director, Translational Research Branch Division of Neuroscience, NIH National Institute on Aging. Additional talks were given by CTNT members and a poster session was held with several monetary awards given for the best poster presentations.  

Thank you to all who attended and participated. This event couldn't have been a success without you!

Please click here for this year's program. 

We would like to give a warm welcome to the new members of the department. We are excited to have them on our team and look forward to helping them achieve their goals.

  • Heather Russell
  • Elizabeth Adeniji

The Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience would like to welcome the following faculty:

  • Chhanda Bose, Ph.D.
  • Boris Decourt, Ph.D., University of Bordeaux
  • Hongmin Wang, Ph.D., University of Idaho

We look forward to working alongside them and know their expertise will be a great addition to our team! 

We'd like to welcome the following students to the Translational Neuroscience and Pharmacology Concentration: 

  • Adam Baker, (Fall 2024), Adam will be joining Dr. Josh Lawrence's lab.
  • Abena Dwamena, (Summer 2024), Abena will be joining Dr. Hongmin Wang's lab.
  • Tenley Lehman, (Summer 2023), Tenley will be joining Dr. Patrick Reynold's lab.

Current Grants


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We're here to help. Contact us if you have questions.

Lisa Moran
Administrative Assistant
(806) 743 - 1280