Speaker History | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.

CMPR Symposium

Keynote Speakers (2009-2021)
Year Speaker
~2009~ Dr. Jack Kaplan, University of Illinois
Dr. Eduardo Perozo, University of Chicago
Dr. Olaf Andersen, Cornell University
~2010~ Dr. Walter Boron, Case Western Reserve University
~2011~ Dr. Francisco Bezanilla, The University of Chicago
~2012~ Dr. Ernest Wright, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
~2013~ Dr. Douglas Rees, California Institute of Technology
~2014~ Dr. Olaf Anderson, Cornell University
Dr. Jack Kaplan, University of Illinois
~2015~ Dr. Robert Stroud, University of California San Francisco
~2016~ Dr. H. Ronald Kaback, University of California, Los Angeles
Dr. Nancy Carrasco, Yale School of Medicine
~2017~ Dr. Steven H. White, University of California at Irvine
~2018~ Dr. Guillermo Altenberg, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
~2019~ Dr. Robert Tampé, Goethe University Frankfurt.
~2020~ Canceled due to Covid-19 pandemics
~2021~ Dr. Helen Zgurskaya, The University of Oklahoma