TTUHSC Faculty Receive Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Teaching and Research Awards | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.
chancellors award recipients

Texas Tech University System (TTU System) Chancellor Tedd L. Mitchell, M.D., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) President Lori Rice-Spearman, Ph.D., and TTUHSC Provost and Chief Academic Officer Darrin D’Agostino, D.O., presented the 2023 Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Teaching & Research Awards today (March 24). 

Recognizing academic excellence, the honors are the most prestigious awards granted to faculty throughout the TTU System. The awards are funded by gifts to the Chancellor’s Council, a giving society that supports the chancellor’s priorities across the TTU System. 



Chancellor's Awards 2023 Photos

  • Chancellor Dr. Tedd Mitchell speaking at the Chancellor's Awards
  • Chancellor Dr. Tedd Mitchell speaking at the Chancellor's Awards
  • Chancellor Dr. Tedd Mitchell speaking at the Chancellor's Awards
  • TTUHSC President Dr. Lori Rice-Spearman speaking at the Chancellor's Awards
  • TTUHSC President Dr. Lori Rice-Spearman speaking at the Chancellor's Awards
  • TTUHSC Provost Dr. Darrin D’Agostino speaking at the Chancellor's Awards
  • TTUHSC Provost Dr. Darrin D’Agostino speaking at the Chancellor's Awards
  • Dr. Duke Appiah receiving an award
  • Dr. Duke Appiah receiving an award
  • Dr. Amy Stark receiving an award
  • Dr. Amy Stark receiving an award
  • Dr. Jen Collins receiving an award
  • Dr. Jen Collins receiving an award
  • Dr. Jen Collins receiving an award
  • Dr. Duke Appiah receiving an award
  • Dr. Amy Stark receiving an award
  • Dr. Jen Collins receiving an award
  • Dr. Lori Rice-Spearman and Dr. Tedd Mitchell pose with chancellor's award recipients