Occupational Dimension | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.

happy person at work

Occupational Wellness

Utilizing our skills and talents to obtain personal satisfaction and meaning through work.


  • Identify what you like and appreciate about your work
  • Accept that no occupation or career is perfect
  • Explore ways to better manage work-related challenges
  • Seek opportunities to expand work-related knowledge and skills
  • Encourage your co-workers; seek to improve their experiences

Tips for Occupational Wellness:

  1. Try to establish and maintain a healthy balance between your work life and activities that involve leisure and fun; as the proverb goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy (or Jill a dull girl).”

  2. Give support to co-workers or colleagues who appear to be struggling to be their best; a supportive work environment contributes to occupational wellness.

  3. Beware of occupational burnout, which seriously threatens wellness; if in the early stages, seek help, but if the feelings persist, consider exploring a change.