TTUHSC iThenticate | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

What is iThenticate?

iThenticate is used worldwide by publishers and research organizations to ensure the originality of work before professional publication. The service allows researchers to easily upload and scan documents, manuscripts, research and other professional works into iThenticate which compares the work against 60 billion web pages and 105 million content items from leading academic publications. Each submission returns a "Similarity Report" identifying text in the submission that matches text appearing in published materials in iThenticate.

How can iThenticate be used?

TTUHSC faculty and researchers might use iThenticate to submit:

  • Student thesis and dissertations manuscripts.
  • Graduate level course papers.
  • Grant proposals. Many federal agencies, such as NSF and NIH, use iThenticate to scan proposals.
  • Faculty and student manuscripts for journals and other professional writing. Many professional and scholarly journals use iThenticate to screen submissions for originality and self-plagiarism.
  • Rules for Student iThenticate Use

Additional Notes on TTUHSC iThenticate

Student User Accounts are temporary and can be deactivated anytime after 30 days when there is a shortage of accounts. Students can request that their accounts be reactivated by emailing Upon receipt of their request, they will be placed on a waiting list and their account will be reactivated when an account becomes available.

Additional Resources

Contact Information

Office of Research and Innovation